The Woody Woodpecker Show
A Turma do Pica-Pau

SYNOPSES (from IMDB, BCDB) *** SINOPSES (by Gisele or translated)

Canned Dog FeudCrow Crazy *** O Corvo MalucoDogTax Dodgers
The Talking Dog
Man's Best Friend *** O Melhor Amigo do HomemPrivate Eye Pooch *** Farejador Vs. Pica-Pau

After the Ball/Depois da Bola (1956) -

Andy Panda's Victory Garden-Springtime for Andy/A Horta do Andy (1942) - Andy and his Cocker Spaniel Balmer want to plant a victory garden, but, among other problems, a pesky rooster keeps eating the seeds. *** Andy tenta, com seu Cocker Spaniel Peludo, fazer uma horta, mas é constantemente atrapalhado por um galo comilão.

Belle Boys/Os Mensageiros (1953) - Woody Woodpecker and Buzz Buzzard are hotel bellhops. The are admiring Ga-Ga Gazoon, glamorous French actress, in a fan magazine, when the desk informs them she is about to arrive at the hotel (with her Poodle Fifi). Woody and Buzz compete (with dirty tricks) to serve her. *** Com Zeca Urubu, atriz Tônia Praga e sua Poodle Pom Pom.

Broadway Bow Wows-Vodvil Daze/Os Artistas (1954) - John marries Mary, but soon leaves her for another bitch. *** João casa com Maria, mas logo a troca por uma outra cadela, tipo "mulher fatal".

Busman's Holiday/Os Azares do Motorista (1961) - Woody (with a stair) causes trouble on a bus. *** Motorista de ônibus sofre com o passageiro Pica-Pau e sua escada.

Bye, Bye Black Board/Adeus às Aulas (1972) - Last Woody short. Woody's dog wants to go to school with him. *** Último curta do Pica-Pau. O cachorrinho do Pica-Pau segue o dono até a escola e na sala de aula causa problemas, pois a professora não quer saber de animais em sua classe.

Candyland/No Reino dos Doces (1935) - The Sandman takes baby boy and his dog to meet the king of Candyland. *** Homem do Tempo leva bebê chorão que não quer dormir e seu cãozinho até o reino dos Doces.

Canine Commandos (1943) - Andy Panda

Canned Dog Feud (1965) - Two feuding hillbillies engaged in argument over whose dog is the best hound, Old Yeller or Old Blue; and to prove which is the best bird-dog, they chase Woody Woodpecker, who, as always, outsmart the poor dogs.... *** Dois caipiras discutem sobre quem tem o melhor cão de caça, Amarelão ou Azulão; quando o Pica-Pau aparece, os dois cães têm que competir para pegar o pássaro — e é lógico que o pássaro leva a melhor!

Chilly to Go/Picolino e o Cão -

Chilly Willy (1953) - First Chilly cartoon. Chilly is cold and tries to board a ship guarded by a dog so he can warm himself on the stove. *** Primeiro desenho do Picolino — Picolino está com frio e tenta embarcar em um navio protegido por um cão para se esquentar junto ao fogão.

Corny Concerto (1962) - Cat Doc discovers that Bulldog Champ can sing and do a crazy beatnik dance when the bulldog is hit on the foot by a mallet. So Doc stages concerts for the talented but pain-ridden pooch. A beatnik hires Champ to perform at a swinging beatnik club. The two become famous as Champ does a great beat presentation after Doc's piano intro and after being hit on the foot! After several concerts, Champ wants to call it quits. Doc asks Champ to do at least one more concert. Champ agrees. But the bulldog surprises Doc and hits Doc's foot. Suddenly, the conniving cat is dancing and singing wildly onstage. *** O gato Doutor descobre que o buldogue Campeão desata a cantar lindamente quando tem seu pé massacrado por uma marreta e, é claro, quer faturar em cima do talento do pobre buldogue.

Coy Decoy/O Pica-Pato (1963) - Hunter and his dog Rodney go hunting ducks, but Woody decides to give some help to his bird pals. He barks: 'duck, duck!' or 'what? what?' *** Caçador e seu cão Rodney vão caçar patos e Pica-Pau resolve dar uma ajudinha aos seus amigos penosos.

Crazy Mixed-Up Pup (1955) - When Sam and his dog Rover are injured in an accident, an ambulance attendant mistakenly gives each the wrong type plasma. Sam's new canine personality confuses his wife and Poodle Fifi. *** Após se ferirem em um acidente Sam e seu cachorro Rover recebem, por um engano na ambulância, sangue trocado; então, ele passa a se comportar como cão (para espanto de sua mulher Maggie) e Rover, como gente (para espanto da Poodle Fifi).

Crow Crazy/Corvo Maluco (1945) - Andy and his dim-witted dog Milo versus a hungry and very smart crow. *** Andy está sendo incomodado por um corvo ladrão de espigas de milho. Para tentar salvar sua plantação, ele convoca Milo, seu cachorro. Mas Milo é muito burrinho e o corvo o engana fácil, fácil.

Dig That Dog (1954) - Mr. Pettypoint buys Cuddles, a Great Dane that likes to bury everything, even the moon. *** Sr. Pettypoint compra Cuddles, um Dinamarquês que adora enterrar coisas e acaba enterrando até a lua.

Doc's Last Stand/O Doutor Mascate (1961) - Doc, trying to sell stuff to an indian, makes Champ dress like a woman. *** Doutor e Campeão vão até aldeia indígena vender tralhas e o gato faz com que o pobre buldogue se vista de mulher para atrair o Chefe índio.

Dog Tax Dodgers (1948) - Andy Panda tries to avoid paying a tax on his dog Dizzy when tax collector Wally Walrus comes around. *** Andy e seu cachorro Dizzy fogem do coletor de impostos Leôncio, que quer cobrar taxa pela propriedade do cão.

Elmer the Great Dane (1935)

Flea for Two (1955) - During a square dance, held on a dog's back, celebrating the upcoming marriage between a boy and girl flea, a city-slicker flea shows up and kidnaps the girl to the big-city. The boyfriend follows and rescues her from the villain's penthouse apartment.

Fowled Up Party (1957) - Last Maggie and Sam cartoon. On the way to a masquerade party, the couple run out of gas. Dressed as a giant rooster, Sam tries to borrow some gas on a farm, where a chicken-hungry dog starts chasing him. *** Último desenho de Maggie e Sam. A caminho de uma festa a fantasia, o carro do casal fica sem gasolina; Sam vai então pedir um pouco do combustível em uma fazenda e, como está fantasiado de galinha, o cão do lugar passa a perseguí-lo.

Freeloading Feline/Felino Matreiro (1960) - Alley cat Doc and bulldog Champ try to gain entrance to a swanky penthouse party. *** O gato refinado Doutor e o buldogue Campeão tentam entrar de penetras numa festa.

Get Lost! Little Doggy/Que Lindinho, o Cachorrinho (1964) - Duffy performs magic tricks at the pet store and convinces Woody to take him home. The problem is that at Miss Meany's board house dogs are not allowed... *** Cachorro convence Pica-Pau a levá-lo de uma loja de animais quando faz aparecer ração para pica-pau por mágica. Acontece que na pensão de Meany Ranheta não são aceitos cães... Obs.: Na dublagem em português, Pica-Pau só chama o cão de Pulguento.

Helter Shelter/Os Desabrigados (1955) - Happy's female owner shelters Woody to the dog's distress. *** A dona de Feliz abriga o Pica-Pau para a infelicidade do cão.

Hot Diggity Dog/Este Cachorro é Quente (1967) - Duffy is hungry, mean cook doesn't want him near his kitchen and Woody Woodpecker decides to help the dog. *** Duffy está com fome e cozinheiro malvado não o quer perto de seu restaurante. Pica-Pau então resolve ajudar o cãozinho a conseguir comida. O cachorro dá diversas mordidas no traseiro do cozinheiro.

K-9, Woody-0/Vida de Cão - Woody must take care of Miss Meany's little dog. *** Pica-Pau, com a aluguel atrasado, tem que cuidar do cachorrinho da Meany Ranheta.

Man's Best Friend/O Melhor Amigo do Homem (1941) - Very tired dog tries to sleep, but is annoyed by a cricket, the moon, a fire, water, his master's snoring... *** Cão de caça exausto tenta dormir, mas é incomodado por grilo, a luz da lua, fogo, água, o ronco de seu dono...

Moochin Pooch/O Cãozinho do Patrão (1971) - Charlie Beary agrees to babysit his boss' dog, the Great Dane Cuddles. *** Ursulão (Família Urso) aceita tomar conta de Gracinha, o cachorro Dinamarquês de seu patrão. E ele não é nenhuma gracinha, é um furacão.

Mouse Trapped (1959) - Hickory and Dickory, the two mice, overhear a news report that all black cats will be exterminated because it is Friday the 13th. Doc, who is a black cat, is being hounded by the police. They try to "help" him but their attempts cause more harm than good (they tell him to hide in Cecil the bulldog's doghouse and inside a running dishwasher). When he discovers he's being given the "run-around", he tries to get his revenge on them (and on Cecil the bulldog) but all his attempts fail miserably.

Mousie Come Home/A Volta do Ratinho (1946) - *** Andy e seu cachorro Milo estão tendo problemas em casa com um ratinho. Andy manda Milo perseguí-lo sem piedade, mas o ratinho sempre leva a melhor. Então, o único jeito de se livrar da peste é... se mudando. O ratinho, sozinho na casa, fica deprimido e tenta se suicidar, por duas vezes, sem sucesso — ele sente muita falta de "brincar" com Milo. Quando descobre o novo endereço de Andy e do cão, vai correndo para lá, dá um beijão no focinho de Milo e a perseguição recomeça...

Pest of Show - Cat Doc enters Bulldog Champ into a dog show in order to win a banquet meal-but they are harassed by two alley cats. *** O gato Doutor inscreve seu amigo, o Buldogue Campeão, num concurso canino para ganhar um banquete; dois gatos de rua aparecem para atrapalhar.

Poop Deck Pirate/Pirata do Barulho (1961) - A treasure-hunting dog pirate disturbs Woody in a tropical island. *** Pica-Pau não consegue dormir com o barulho da cidade e resolve ir para uma ilha; lá, desembarca um cão pirata (lobo do mar) com um mapa do tesouro.

Private Eye Pooch/Farejador Vs. Pica-Pau (1955) - Woody is chased by a taxidermy school bloodhound (Strongnose) who needs a bird for a stuffing demonstration *** Pica-Pau está prestes a ser taxidemizado e foge; Farejador tem que trazê-lo de volta.

Punchy Pooch/É Murro na Marra (1962) - At an amusement park, cat Doc enters Bulldog Champ in a boxing match against an aggressive kangaroo. *** O gato Doutor coloca o pobre do Buldogue Campeão para lutar contra um agressivo canguru.

Scrappy Birthday/Presente de Aniversário (1949) - For her birthday, Andy presents his sweetheart, Miranda, with her usual present, candy and flowers. Miranda complains she wants something decent for her birthday like a fur coat... which Andy can't afford. A con man tells him he doesn't need money. He sells him a tracking hound and tells him he can hunt for the fox himself. Unfortunately, the fox Andy and his hound find has no intentions of being caught. Eventually, Andy does capture an animal to make a fur stole with. It's not the fox but, rather, something that's more of a surprise. *** Andy vai à caça para dar à sua namorada um casaco de pele de raposa.

Show Biz Beagle/Um Cão Falante (1972) - Buzz Buzzard sells Gabby, a talking dog, to Woody — actually, is the mouse hidden under the hat's dog that talks. Eventually, the Beagle does talk! *** Zeca Urubu vende Tagarela, um cão falante, para o Pica-Pau, mas na verdade quem fala é um ratinho escondido no chapéu; mas no final das contas, o Beagle é falante mesmo.

Soup to Mutts (1939) - Dogland is having an amateur show, with food for the winners. A mechanical-applause machine identifies the winners by hitting a jackpot. A cat, way more talented than the dog-performers, dons a dog-skin (source unknown) and proceeds to become the big winner, but he loses his disguise at the crucial moment.

Spa-Spa Blacksheep/Ovelha Negra do Spa - *** Pica-Pau quer boa vida no spa; para conseguir entrar, disfarça-se até de Fifo, o cachorrinho da Srta. Ida Lux, a dona do lugar. Mas o porteiro percebe e a perseguição começa. Pica-Pau arruma a mair confusão e quem paga o pato é o pobre do porteiro...

Space Mouse (1959) - Cecil, the Bulldog

Stowaway Woody/O Clandestino (1963) - Woody decides to go to Hawaii by boat; Captain and guard dog try to get rid of him. *** Pica-Pau decide ir para o Hawaí de navio; tudo vai bem até que o cão de guarda descobre o clandestino e a perseguição começa.

Swing Your Partner (1943) - A Foolish Fable, Homer Pigeon. Hillbilly hound singer at barn dance. *** Cão de fazenda canta em festa no celeiro.

Swiss Miss-Fit/Miscelânia Suiça (1957) - A St.Bernard in the Swiss Alps tries to rescue Chilly from various dangers, so that he can keep his job. *** São-bernardo tenta salvar Picolino de vários perigos inexistentes só para não perde o emprego de cão de resgate.

The Big Bite/História Boa Para Cachorro (1966) - Woody rescues his dog Duffy from a dogcatcher. *** Homem da carrocinha quer porque quer pegar Duffy, o cachorro do Pica-Pau.

The Coo Coo Bird/O Passarinho do Relógio (1947) - Woody reads in his newspaper that quail hunting season begins the next morning at 5 a.m. Not wanting to pass up quail hunting, he determines to get a good night's sleep but, of course, his attempts are ruined by all manner of distractions such as a flashing neon sign, an obnoxious cuckoo clock (the cuckoo itself is just as obnoxious), and the destruction of Woody's bed causing him to sleep on an "automatic table" which he has many a tussle with.

The Dog That Cried Wolf (1953) - Guarding his master's herd, a dog keeps "crying wolf" till a real wolf appears to steal the flock. *** Cão pastor fica dando alarme falso a toda hora, até que um lobo de verdade aparece para comer as ovelhas.

The Legend of Rock-a-Bye Point/A Lenda do Pico da Canção de Ninar (1955) - Chilly outsmarts a polar bear and a Bulldog (that quickly falls asleep when he hears a lullaby), to get the fish off a trawler. *** Picolino e urso querem roubar peixe em um barco, mas são impedidos ppor um Buldogue que está de guarda; o segredo para vencê-lo é que ele cai no sono quando ouve música de ninar.

The Painter and the Pointer/Pintor e Maluco (1944) - Andy is painting his dog's portrait, but Butch won't stand till; so, he ties the dog's paw to a gun. While Andy goes inside the house to get another canvas, spiders decide that Butch is a good meal and chaos ensues. *** Andy tenta pintar um quadro de seu cachorro Bilú, mas ele não pára quieto; então, ele amarra a pata do cão numa espingarda. Enquanto vai buscar outra tela em casa, aranhas decidem que Bilú pode ser uma ótima refeição.

The Reluctant Recruit/O Recruta Relutante (1971) - Brutus

The Talking Dog (1956) - Maggie and Sam have finally saved enough money to be able to pay off the mortgage on their home, and Maggie warns Sam to be careful on his way to the bank. Sam immediately runs into a shady character who offers many ways for Sam to lose his money, but Sam resists them all until he is offered a talking dog. San, figuring a talking dog is a way to get rich immediately buys it. He has many rejections before he can get the dog a booking at a theatre. Before the dog can exhibit his skills, a cat shows up and ruins the act. Maggie and Sam lose their home, and Sam ends up in the dog house, with the talking dog as his companion. *** Sam, para horror de Maggie, ao invés de pagar a hipoteca da casa compra um cachorro falante.

Trail Rider Woody
- Pica-Pau aposta com fazendeiro (um cão sheepdog) que pode fazer uma mula teimosa e preguiçosa trabalhar.

Winnie P.I./Winnie, A Detetive -

Witty Kitty/O Conto do Peru (1960) - Two hungry alley cats trick Doc into thinking he's won a raffle — his prize a free turkey — that he must procure from an estate guarded by Cecil, the bulldog. *** Dois gatos de rua aplicam o conto do "você-foi-sorteado-com-um-peru" em cima do Doutor: o "prêmio" deve ser pego de dentro de uma geladeira, numa casa guardada pelo buldogue Cecil...

Woodpecker in the Moon/Pica-Pau na Lua (1959) - The local rocket society is looking for a new volunteer (Fido, the dog, didn't accept the invitation) to blast to the moon, the only other person having been sent there being Professor Dingledong who has not returned thus far. They decide to send mailman Woody Woodpecker who, upon landing on the moon's surface, encounters the aforementioned Dingledong who demands possession of Woody's rocket so that he may return to Earth. After many a tussle, Woody and Dingledong are both returned to Earth's atmosphere whereupon Dingledong takes revenge on the rocket society chairman by blasting *him* into space! *** Fido não quer ser mandado para a lua... então vai o Pica-Pau!

Woody the Freeloader/Pica-Pau Adotivo (1968) - Woody pretends to be sick to be adopted by an old lady; her dog Brutus (a Bulldog) tries to get rid of him *** Pica-Pau se finge de doente para ser adotado por uma velhinha e Brutus, o buldogue dela, tenta se livrar do pássaro inconveniente. Chi Chi e Butch aparecem brevemente.

Wrestling Wrecks/O Vale Tudo (1953) - Woody Woodpecker is watching a wrestling match on TV; his dog, the Great Dane Elmer, is with him. It's "Precious Percy" (Woody's favorite) versus his opponent, "Bull Dozer". Eventually, Woody's dog gets overexcited and inadvertantlty wrecks his TV set, forcing to Woody to watch the match in person at the arena. While in the audience, he often helps Percy win the match through underhanded tactics. However, when Bull still defeats Percy, Woody decides to take on Bull all by himself.


with Chilly Willy/com Picolino

Synopses by: Chilli Willy's Igloo

  1. I'm Cold/Mas Que Frio! (1954) - After seeing a flyer advertising fur coats, Chilly visits the store to steal one to keep warm. He is repeatedly stopped by Smedley though, until Chilly realizes that Smedley also has fur.
  2. Hot & Cold Penguin (1955) - Chilly wants to use Smedley's stove in his cabin to keep warm. Smedley tries in vain to keep him out.
  3. Hold That Rock (1956) - Chilly Willy is a salesman demonstrating his novelty noise makers, but he is also disrupting the peace at Balancing Rock Canyon, where the slightest noise can send all of the rocks falling to the ground. Smedley's job is to keep the rocks balanced.
  4. Operation Cold Feet (1956) - Chilly steals some fish that Smedley is guarding. Smedley learns a trick or two from Chilly though and gets even in the end.
  5. Room & Wrath/Caloteiro Dorminhoco (1956) - Chilly is staying at Smedley's Snowtel. Chilly's bill is past due and Smedley doesn't take fish as payment so Smedley tries to evict Chilly, but Chilly knows a few neat tricks.
  6. Chilly Reception (1958) - Smedley is living a life of luxury as a ship mascot. The good life lasts until Chilly Willy comes aboard. The crew sees how cute Chilly is and they want to make him the new mascot. Smedley doesn't want to lose his job, so he tries to get rid of Chilly.
  7. Little Televillain (1958) - Smedley is told to stop anyone from disturbing the producer at XYZ TV. Unfortunately, that is the day that Chilly Willy decides to audition. But, the producer loves what he sees and a star is born on 'The I Love Smedley Show.'
  8. Robinson Gruesome/Robinson Repulsivo (1959) - Chilly Willy rides a melting iceberg that deposits him on a south seas island. Smedley is stranded on the island and has been eating nothing but bananas for 28 years. When Chilly arrives at his door Smedley says, 'I am pleased to eat you. I mean, meet you.'
  9. Yukon Have It (1959) - Smedley is a Mountie who mistakes Chilly for the thief Caribou Lou. While Smedley tries to catch Chilly, Chilly catches the real Caribou Lou.
  10. Fish Hooked (1960) - Chilly visits an Aquarium where Smedley works and with the help of a dolphin gets to eat several fish.
  11. St. Moritz Blitz (1961) - Chilly Willy is cutting holes in a skating rink so he can catch fish and Smedley is told to stop him.
  12. Fish & Chips (1962) - Chilly tries to eat Colonel Blueblood's prize marlin trophy. Chilly grinds the mounted fish into little pieces and Smedley tries to glue the trophy back together before the Colonel returns.
  13. Salmon Loafer (1963) - Chilly steals some fish from Smedley's Salmon Cannery.
  14. Deep Freeze Squeeze/Com a Barriga Roncando (1964) - Chilly and Smedley are stranded in the arctic with no food because the supply plane is late. Their hunger makes them delusional and they try to eat each other.
  15. Lighthouse Keeping Blues/O Faroleiro (1964) - Chilly is trying to sleep, but the bright light from Smedley's lighthouse is keeping him awake. Chilly breaks the light bulbs and Smedley replaces them. Who will win?
  16. Ski-Napper (1964) - Chilly tries to borrow some coal from the ski resort Smedley works at, but Smedley stops him. So, Chilly nabs some skis to use for firewood instead.
  17. Fractured Friendship (1965) - Smedley wants to move to a warmer climate, but Chilly does not want to lose his friend.
  18. Half-Baked Alaska/Alasca Mal-Passado (1965) - To earn money for pancakes, Chilly gets (but can't seem to hold) several brief jobs as a piano player, barber, blacksmith assistant, and photographer assistant.
  19. Pesty Guest/Uma Peste de Hóspede (1965) - Chilly goes to a hotel where Smedley is the bellboy and interferes with Smedley's duties. A rude hunter comes to the hotel and Chilly stows away in his room, eating his food and setting the thermostat down to freezing levels.
  20. Operation Shanghai (1966) - Smedley is tired of being the one-man crew for Captain Blah of the Old Eye Sore. The captain tells him to go shanghai a crew. Of course, Chilly doesn't make things easy for Smedley.
  21. Snow Place Like Home (1966) - Chilly sneaks into Smedley's lodge, which is closed for the winter, to eat some soup. Chilly keeps changing Smedley's radio to loud music, landing Smedley in trouble with a local hibernating bear.
  22. South Pole Pals/Os Parceiros do Polo Sul (1966) - Smedley is sent to capture an emperor penguin. He tries to capture Chilly, but Chilly gets some help from a real emperor penguin.
  23. Teeny Weeny Meany/Isto é que é Gostar de Atum (1966) - Chilly finds a tuna boat where Smedley happens to be working. Chilly eats the fish on the boat and the captain tells Smedley to get rid of Chilly.
  24. Chilly & the Woodchopper (1967) - A stressed out lumberjack with a bad case of nerves comes to Smedley's Rest Home for some much needed rest. There is not much rest when Chilly Willy is around though.
  25. Hot Time On Ice (1967) - At a weather station at the South Pole, the captain wants Smedley to fly the plane to get food supplies, but Chilly is cutting holes in the runway and fishing.
  26. Vicious Viking (1967) - Chilly and Smedley are cutting ice blocks to build an igloo when they discover a viking who has been frozen in the ice for 800 years. The viking is very hungry so he tries to eat Chilly, Smedley and Maxie. He doesn't stop until he gets frozen again.
  27. Project Reject (1969) - The jet exhaust from Smedley's plane keeps melting Chilly's igloo. Chilly gets even by using a radio controlled airplane to mess with Smedley.
  28. Chilly's Cold War (1970) - Chilly Willy is cold and hungry until he finds the home of Colonel Pot Shot, where Smedley is the caretaker. Smedley trys to kick Chilly out of the house in order to save his job. Eventually the two team-up to escape the gun-toting colonel.
  29. Airlift A La Carte/Pronta Entrega Aérea (1971) - Chilly goes with Gooney to Smedley's store, but he is closing the store for the winter and chases them out. Gooney and Chilly land back at the igloo where Maxie has caught a single small fish.
  30. Chilly's Hide-A- Way/O Esconderijo de Picolino (1971) - Smedley and Colonel Pot Shot get away from the smog and go to a resort, but Chilly has moved into the resort and now Smedley has to kick him out.
  31. Chilly Dog (1999) - Chilly learns that Smedley's dog-training school uses big steaks as rewards for dogs learning new tricks, so he pretends to be a dog to earn a steak for himself.
  32. Electric Chilly (1999) - Chilly orders an electric blanket to keep himself warm. He only has one outlet though and faces a tough choice between plugging in his electric blanket or his TV... until he decides to borrow Smedley's outlet.
  33. It's a Chilly Christmas (1999) - It's the coldest Christmas Eve ever so Chilly hides in Santa's bag of presents because Santa will be going to lots of warm areas to deliver gifts. Santa's lead elf Smedley knows Chilly is hiding and tries to stop him. Santa finds out about the stowaway Chilly and punishes him by giving him coal for Christmas, but this turns out to be just what Chilly wants.
  34. Mexican Chilly (1999) - Chilly is shivering in his igloo when he sees a TV commercial for a Mexican Cruise. He has no money so he tries to sneak aboard the ship. Smedley works on the ship and tries to keep Chilly off of the ship.

with Woody Woodpecker/com o Pica-Pau

  1. Careless Caretaker/O Cuidador Descuidado (1962) - Smedley takes good care of the trees in a park. Woody appears to annoy him. *** Smedley cuida com carinho das árvores do Greenleaf Park e fica bravo quando o Pica-Pau aparece. Smedley conversa com as árvores, então Pica-Pau decide enganá-lo entrando em uma das árvores e falando com ele.   Fonte
  2. Room and Bored/Vivendo num Buraco (1962) - Telecom troubleshooter Smedley tries to evict Woody from his home on a telephone pole.