SYNOPSES (all from IMDB) *** SINOPSES (by Gisele or translated)
Title cards from Warner Bros. Cartoons Filmography And Title Card Gallery
Big help (finding dogs) from
The Total Toon Tome

Frisky Puppy terrorizing poor Claude Cat *** Frisky Puppy aterrorizando o pobre do Claude Cat...

A Bone for a Bone (1951) - Geo. P. Dog (as we see written in his dog house) insists on burying his bone on top of the Goofy Gophers home.


Geo. P. Dog (o nome está escrito em sua casinha) insiste em enterrar seu osso na casa dos irmãos esquilos, os Goofy Gophers.

A Corny Concerto (Tales From the Vienna Woods) - Porky Pig and Bugs Bunny


Pernalonga e Gaguinho

A Ham in a Role (1949) - A Shakespearian dog, tired of being a pie-in-the-face looney tune, quits Warner Brothers to study dramatic acting and goes to his country house to practice the bard. He finds that the Goofy Gophers have taken over his abode and angrily throws them out. They retaliate by violently heckling him in comical accordance with his Shakespeare speeches.


Cão ator, muito fino e elegante, pede demissão da Warner e vai para sua casa de campo ensaiar Shakespeare; lá descobre que os dois Gooffy Gophers invadiram o lugar.

A Hare Grows in Manhattan -
The sycophantic newsreel reporter Lola Beverly wants Bugs Bunny's life story. The great Hollywood star tells of his humble beginnings in the tenements of Manhattan. We see poor Bugs terrorized by a gang of canine toughs led by a bullying bulldog who smokes a cigar and wears a derby and a turtleneck sweater. He's subjected to a cruel "dog pile on the rabbit," but our wily Bugs soon turns the tables on these toughs. Bugs subjects his main tormenter to pies in his face; a confusing performance in front of an Egyptian cigarette billboard; a fall from the top of a building; and an embarrassing entanglement in a series of clotheslines. Bugs Bunny finds his real saviors are Betty Smith and a book title calculated to win the heart of any New York bow-wow.

A Horsefly Flea
(1948) - A flea befriends a horsefly, who has hooves like those of a horse, and rides the horsefly into the hair of a dog. The flea chops down strands of the dog's hair to use as "logs" with which to build a cabin, unaware that the dog's coat is the sacred territory of a tribe of Indian fleas, who declare war on the interlopers. The Indians capture and are about to burn the flea and the horsefly when the dog jolts in pain from the fire. The flea and the horsefly free themselves and flee the Indians through the hairs on the dog's carcass.


Uma pulga cara-pálida e um cavalo-mosca (mutuca, moscão) decidem montar acampamento em um cão que está bem acomodado em frente à uma lareira; assim que a pulga e seu cavalo começam a se instalar, a coceira começa. E piora quando pulgas nativo-caninas resolvem defender seu território. No final, a pulga cara-pálida resolve ganhar uns trocados fazendo da briga com as pulgas indígenas um espetáculo de circo — e bem acomodado na sala, com pipoca e uma lupa, o cão fica muito feliz, pois não via este tipo de apresentação desde que era filhotinho...

A Mutt in a Rut (1959) - "Two go out, but only one comes back!" That's the conclusion Elmer Fudd's dog, Rover comes to after watching "The Dog Lover's Hour" TV show. It seems that, on this particular installment, the host plans to discuss heartless masters who kill their hunting dogs on trips after they have grown old and worn out their usefulness. Elmer, not knowing what's behind Rover's suddenly hostile, edgy demeanor, suggests the two go on a hunting trip — exactly what Rover doesn't want to hear. Fearing the worst, the paranoid pooch sets up a number of traps to kill off the unsuspecting Elmer. The ill-fated attempts include swiping Elmer's gun and shooting at him from afar, but killing a bear instead; releasing a wildcat on Fudd; and planting a land mine beneath where Elmer rests. Every time, Elmer thinks his dog is saving him from said catastrophies. Later at home, an injured Rover watches TV as another installment of "The Dog Lover's Hour" is set to air, sending the bow-wow over the edge; he runs off to the studio and attacks the show's host!

A Waggily Tale (1958) - A boy named Junior, who treats his dog, Elvis, cruelly, is scolded by his mother and sent to his room to have a nap. Junior dreams that he is a dog adopted by a loving little girl, who doesn't know that dogs aren't supposed to be washed in a washing machine, or bandaged from head-to-toe after being beaten up by a scrappier, smaller dog, or toothbrushed with shaving cream. Junior awakes from his dream in shock. Now sensitive to his own dog's feelings, Junior vows to be nicer to him.


Um menino que maltrata seu cachorro sonha que ele próprio é um cão que é maltratado.

An Itch in Time
(1943) -
The saga of A. Flea who's busy breaking ground for a new home, and the dog whose ground is being broken. Because master Elmer will give him a dreaded flea bath if he so much as scratches, the unlucky canine is forced to endure an upward spiral of torment as the homesteading flea uses pick-axes and power tools to clear the 'land.' Ultimately, the little monster lights the fuse to a small mountain of high explosives he's piled onto his victim's backside! There's a tremendous explosion, and the hapless pooch covers his eyes as his rear end erupts in a blazing Fourth of July display! That really has to hurt, and the dog takes flight, but soon he stops the action and says with a merry smile, 'You guys better cut it out, 'cause I think I'm starting to like it!'. Elmer drags him off to the bath. But, as he carries the dog away, A. Flea jumps on Elmer, who also begins to scratch. The dog carries Elmer off to the bath, but slips on a bar of soap in the process. A. Flea puts them both on a platter and carries them both away. Elmer's cat claims "now I've seen everything" and commits suicide by shooting himself in the head with a gun.


A. Pulga ataca o cachorro de Hortelino Troca-Letras.

Bartholomew Versus the Wheel (1964) - A little boy tells the story of his dog, Bartholomew. One day, Bartholomew's tail was run over by the wheel of another boy's scooter. Consumed with rage, Bartholomew instantly detested wheels and tires and chased and bit into all wheels he could find, including the wheel of an airplane, which took him to the Sahara desert!

Behind the Meat-Ball
(1945) - A dog, starved for meat, goes to different lengths to get a steak back from a little dog that keeps out-smarting him.

Birth of a Notion
(1947) - Daffy Duck cons a dog named Leopold into offering him a stay in his house, but he has to hide Daffy from his master, a Peter-Lorre style mad scientist who needs a duck's wishbone.


É inverno e Patolino precisa de um lugar para ficar. Ele bate à porta da casa onde mora Leopoldo, não sem antes deixar um suculento osso bem à vista. Quando o cão vai pegar o osso, Patolino o impede dizendo que é um osso envenenado. Leopoldo, agradecido pelo pato ter salvado sua vida, deixa que Patolino entre na casa, mesmo com receio de que seu dono (um cientista que anda fazendo umas experiências misteriosas) descubra o visitante. A coisa se complica quando Patolino ouve o cientista resmungar de que precisará de um ossinho da sorte de pato; ele decide que o dono de Leopoldo tem que morrer. Leopoldo, é claro, não concorda, diz que o cão é o melhor amigo do homem e que deve proteger seu dono. Patolino, tentando diversas maneiras de matar o homem, acaba sendo descoberto e começa a ser perseguido (neste ponto, Leopoldo aparece esquecido num canto e reclama para a audiência que "no começo, eu fazia parte deste desenho..."), até que se cansa e decide ir embora, mudando-se para uma casa vizinha — onde um ganso o bota pra fora. Enquanto isso, o cientista decide que, se não tem ossinho de pato, serve ossinho da sorte de cão... Leopoldo se manda da casa também, voando para o sul com Patolino!

Bone Sweet Bone (1948) - An archaeologist at a museum scolds his small, silent dog, Shep, for supposedly removing a bone belonging to a dinosaur skeleton and orders Shep to bring the bone back, but Shep finds that the place where he buried his most recent bone has been dug up and a bulldog is walking away with the bone in his mouth. Shep chases the bulldog with intent of retrieving the bone, and so begins a battle of wits between Shep and the bulldog in a spacious yard surrounding the bulldog's house. After hoodwinking the dog into trading the bone for a giant plaster bone facsimile loaded with dynamite connected to an ignited fuse, Shep waits for the explosion, then flees the enraged bulldog. He goes back to the museum with the bone in his mouth, but to his dismay, he learns from the archaeologist that the archaeologist had the bone in question in his pocket all the time and that the bone Shep had labored to retrieve had just been an old soup bone.


O Osso - Arqueologista do museu acusa o pequeno Shep de roubar um osso do dinossauro que ele está montando e exige que o cão o traga de volta. Assim que o pobre Shep parte atrás de um enorme buldogue — por pensar que este roubou o osso — o arqueologista encontra a preciosidade em seu própio bolso... Shep sofre horrores com o buldogue, mas consegue recuperar o osso e o traz de volta ao museu. Quando o professor lhe conta que "assim que você saiu eu o encontrei em meu bolso", Shep enlouquece!

Calling Dr. Porky (1940) - A dog thinks he is being chased by small pink elephants, and goes to the hospital. While Porky is working on medication, the pink elephants find him and cause havoc. Porky finally gives him some medication, that only works temporarily, but then sees them again. He rushes back in and is once again ill.

Chow Hound (1951) - A mean, greedy, glutton of a bulldog uses two unwilling parties — a frightened cat and a mouse to help him grab dinner from various residences. The scheme: using the cat to pose as the pet for the residents; the mouse is used in one scheme while the cat poses as a sabertoothed-alley cat at a local zoo in another. The cat is instructed to gather juicy steaks and then surrender them to the bulldog, who badgers each time, "What, no gravy?!" Eventually, the bulldog holds the cat hostage for months, anticipating that the cat's "owners" will post rewards in the newspaper. The bulldog returns the cat to his masters, collects the reward and then reclaims his cat by means of a trick-bed. The dog uses his ill-gotten gains to purchase a meat butcher shop, where "acres and acres" of meat hang from the ceiling. It isn't long before the greedy bulldog must pay for his gluttony his grossly bloated carcass lies strapped to an operating table at a veterinarian's hospital, with the doctors planning to pump the mutt's stomach. Just then, the cat and mouse arrive to get their very just revenge.

Confusions of a Nutzy Spy (1943) - Porky Pig is a cop working for Ye Towne Cooler (where the Long Arm of the Law is just that, and the "Wanted" photos include a pin-up girl). On this particular day, Porky and his dog Eggbert have to look for a lynx — named Missing Lynx  spying for Germany and ready to plant a bomb (titled "Hallelujah, I'm a Bomb").

Cracked Quack (1952) - Daffy Duck takes shelter from a blizzard by sneaking into a cozy home owned by Porky Pig. Daffy tries to secretly mooch off of Porky for an entire winter, but Porky's dog Rover realizes that Daffy isn't the stuffed ornament he pretends to be and keeps trying to alert Porky to Daffy's ruse.

Daffy Duck's Quackbusters (1988)

Ding Dog Daddy (1942) - The dog is searching for a girl, and when he's snubbed by a snobby bitch (literally!) he encounters a statue of a greyhound. He names "her" "Daisy", and, since he's a little slow on the uptake, he has no clue she is a metal sculpture. He kisses Daisy, just as a thunderstorm brews and lightning strikes her, shocking him. The electric "kiss" drives him wild, but his elation is short-lived when a bulldog shows up, guarding Daisy's garden and throwing our hero out! He just can't seem to get past the bulldog, and things turn from bad to worse. Daisy is collected for scrap metal (big wartime reference) and hauled off to a factory. Our hero tracks her down, but he's too late... Daisy has been melted down and turned into a bomb! The dog franticly searches the factory, but finds only a sea of identical bombs, and he begins to cry. Suddenly, a shell labelled "Daisy" rolls off the pile into his arms, and he takes it back to the garden where the stature once stood. "What have they done to ya?" he cries...until he decides to kiss her. Predictably, Daisy explodes. "WWWOW! She hasn't changed a bit!!!! A hukahyuckahyuck!"


Depois de ser rejeitado por uma cadela esnobe, Ding se apaixona por uma estátua de bronze de uma Greyhound que acaba derretida para a fabricação de uma bomba. E ele vai até a fábrica reencontrar sua amada...

Dog Collared (1951) - On Be Kind to Animals Week, Porky Pig decides to practice the principle and affectionately pets a large, slobbering dog. The dog takes an instant liking to Porky and follows the pig everywhere. He is lost and Porky tries to return him to his rich owner for a $5,000 reward, till he finds out the dog can speak.


Um grande cachorro branco está perdido na rua; quando encontra Gaguinho, faz carinha de triste, uiva e acaba adotado. Mas, no carro, o cachorro só traz problemas e Gaguinho então começa a tentar se livrar dele... sem nenhum sucesso — o cão acaba o seguindo até sua casa. Gaguinho não o deixa entar; mas, quando liga a TV, dá de cara novamente com o cachorro e se assusta — até que fica sabendo que há uma recompensa de 5 mil dólares para quem achar aquele cão e o levá-lo de volta à Rua Chestnut 980. Gaguinho então corre atrás dele, que a essa altura já está numa ponte a beira de cometer suicídio. Eles vão até a mansão e Gaguinho é recebido pelo mordomo, que explica que a recompensa é alta porque o cachorro fala. Gaguinho diz que se tivesse um cão falante, ficaria com ele. O cachorro, escondido atrás de umas folhagens, empurra um cachorrinho de brinquedo para o mordomo ver. O mordomo então despacha Gaguinho, e aí o cachorro grandalhão, feliz da vida, abraça e fala com ele...

Dog Daze (1939) - The Gang owes 37 cents to Butch, so they try to raise money by rounding up stray dogs for the reward, but nearly get busted for dognapping.

Doggone Cats (1947) - Wellington the dog is given a package to deliver to Uncle Louie, with strict instructions not to let go of it. Sylvester and another cat that Wellington has been tormenting see this as their chance to get even. Besides repeatedly filching the package, at one point they drop a duplicate off a bridge. Wellington still manages to retrieve the package a few times, but never for long.


Wellington e Frajola.

Dog Gone People (1960) - Elmer Fudd's boss, Mr. Crabtree, pays a visit and wants him to look after his dog, Rupert, for the weekend. Elmer agrees, with his boss adding the punch line: "In my companies there are two ways to go... up (clears throat) or down!" Looking after the dog seems like an easy job... except that Rupert thinks he's a person and expects to be treated accordingly. Elmer ticks off Rupert by treating him like a dog and has to patronize his guest to keep him from phoning his master. The next morning, Rupert swallows Bay Rum from Elmer's medicine closet and gets drunk. Elmer tries to take the dog for a ride to sober him up, but Rupert gains control of the car and wildly speeds down the road. Both Elmer and pooch are jailed, forcing Mr. Crabtree to bail the two out. In the end, Mr. Crabtree makes good on his promise to send Elmer up... as in painting the flagpole on the top of the E.J. Crabtree skyscraper.


Hortelino Troca-Letras tem que cuidar de Rupert, o cachorro de seu chefe. O problema é que o cão acha que é gente e quer ser tratado como tal...

Dog Gone South (1950) - Ever in search of a master, no matter how unwilling, Charlie winds up on a plantation down South and tries to force himself on the owner, the Confederate Colonel Shuffle. Unfortunately, the Colonel already has a pet bulldog, Belvedere.

Dog Tales (1958) - This documentary-styled cartoon identifies the various breeds of canine, showing the very human behaviors of a French Poodle, a Doberman Pinscher, a "Elvis" hound-dog, a martini-drinking St. Bernard, a Mexican Hairless Dog, a Chihuahua, a Basset Hound, Victor Barky, Coach Dog and Laddie.

Dog Tired
(1942) - The Two Curious Puppies, vying over a bone, chase each other into the zoo, where their confrontations with the various animals keep the laughing hyena in stitches.

Dr. Jerkyl's Hyde (1954) - Two cockney canines chase Sylvester Cat into the lab of Dr. Jerkyl, where the cat drinks Hyde formula and changes into a wildcat that claws Bulldog Alfie into little pieces and reverts back to Sylvester just in time for Terrier Chester to come in and see Alfie cowering in fear.


Terrier Chester e Buldogue Alfie (Spike em Tree for Two) perseguindo o Frajola acabam no laboratório do Dr. Jerkyl (história baseada no livro O Médico e o Monstro), onde Frajola bebe uma poção que o faz transformar-se em um enorme gato selvagem. É sempre o pobre Alfie quem se depara com a besta; quando é a vez de Chester, Frajola já voltou ao seu estado gatinho-indefeso normal, dando a impressão ao Terrier que seu herói buldogue não passa de um covardão...

Early to Bet (1951) - The Gambling Bug causes gambling fever in anyone he bites. He bites a cat, who becomes eager to play gin-rummy with a Bulldog for penalties. Even though he keeps losing and has to endure more and more painful penalties, the cat is compelled by the Gambling Bug's bite to continue playing.


Cedo Para Apostar  - Inseto apostador tira férias e vai para o campo. Lá morde um gato viciado em jogo e este implora ao Buldogue da fazenda para jogar com ele "Penalidades" — toda a vez que perde nas cartas, tem que se cumprir algumas "brincadeiras" nada agradáveis. E o pobre do gato perde sempre...

Fast Buck Duck (1963) - Daffy Duck, in his flat in the midst of a junkyard, reads that a millionaire seeks a loyal, entertaining, and trustworthy boon companion. Daffy decides to apply for the job, but when he reaches the millionaire's estate, he finds it guarded by Percy, a bulldog, who won't allow Daffy access to the manor house, resulting in the usual cartoon battle of wits.

Foxy By Proxy - Bugs is provoked by a pack of foxhounds and their hunters stampeding over his hole, so he gets out his Halloween costume from last year (a fox suit) and sets out to lead the dogs on a merry chase. The stupidest of the dogs, Lenny, whose objective is to cut a fox's tail off, becomes his main victim; Bugs tricks him into chasing a train instead. He eventually tricks the dog pack into running off a cliff, but the stupid dog ends up with Bugs' tail.

Fresh Airedale (1945) - In his master's eyes, "good old Shep" is the perfect dog, but the cat knows he's really a two-faced mutt who can be bought off with a bone by a burglar, and then take credit for it when the cat chases the crook off. But then Shep becomes obsessed by a newspaper story proclaiming a real canine hero the nation's "No. 1 Dog."


Para o seu dono, Shep é o cão perfeito; mas o gato da casa sabe que não é bem assim.

Get Rich Quick Porky (1937) - Porky and Gabby are about to deposit their savings in the bank when a shyster sells them a lot that's full of oil because he planted it there. Meanwhile, a dog trying to bury a bone has lots more luck finding oil than Porky and Gabby until the shyster shuts off the oil-filled sprinklers. Meanwhile, Gabby hits oil for real.

Hare Force (1944) - Granny has just tucked Sylvester the dog in for the night when she hears a knock at the door. She opens it and sees a half-frozen Bugs Bunny, who is exaggerating his sorry plight for effect. Granny buys the act and lets Bugs sleep right next to Sylvester in front of the fireplace. But the jealous dog is having none of it. The first chance he gets, he throws Bugs back out in the cold. Bugs plays on the dog's pity to get back in but can't resist a dirty trick. When a snow sculpture of himself melts, Sylvester thinks it's the real rabbit and succumbs to paroxysms of guilt before he discovers the ruse. From then on, the two play a game of one-upmanship that ends when Granny gets in on the game.


Morreeendo de Medo - Sylvester, o cão, dorme tranqüilamente em frente à lareira quando sua dona, uma senhora idosa, despeja ao lado dele um quase congelado Pernalonga; em seguida, ela se retira para seu quarto, não sem antes recomendar a Sylvester que trate bem o convidado — o que, naturalmente, não acontece. Pernalonga consegue jogar o pobre cachorro lá fora na neve gelada e vice-versa, causando muita confusão e barulho, o que aborrece a dona da casa. No final, é ela mesmo quem acaba desabrigada, com os dois animais bem quentinhos dormindo em frente à lareira...

Hare Remover (1946) - Elmer Fudd tries a formula on a experimental dog; after he proves to be very uncooperative, Fudd tries it on Bugs. Bugs Bunny obliges Elmer Fudd by stepping into his crude rabbit trap and letting Elmer take him to his laboratory. That was a mistake. Elmer is a mad scientist trying to create a formula that will turn a "normal character into a devilish fiend." He pours a test tube full of liquid down Bugs's throat, but after a tableaux of agonized poses, nothing happens. Elmer is disconsolate, so Bugs cheers him up by having him drink some of the formula himself. Circumstances trick both Elmer and Bugs into thinking the evil mixture has changed the other into a bear. But the bear is a real bear, and the two antagonists had better watch out.


O Médico e o Coelho - Hortelino Troca-Letras está em seu laboratório testando suas fórmulas malucas; a primeira de suas cobaias é um "cão para experimentos", acorrentado no laboratório. No entanto, como o cachorro se mostra pouco cooperativo, Hortelino vai atrás do Pernalonga.

Hare Ribbin' (1944) - Bugs is chased into a lake by a dog with a Russian dialect; the rest of the story undoflds under water.


Aventura Submarina - Cão (igualzinho ao Willoughby, só que com um pompom vermelho na cabeça e outro na ponta da cauda) com sotaque russo (no original em inglês) está na floresta à caça de um coelho cinzento quando dá de cara com o Pernalonga. A perseguição começa e vai parar no fundo de um lago, onde continua até o fim do desenho. Perna se disfarça de sereia e encanta Willoughby Pompom por algum tempo, até que o cão se dá conta do embuste e sente uma vontade enorme de comer um sanduíche de coelho. Pernalonga, muito solicito, providencia a iguaria, indo primeiramente à caça e depois se metendo entre duas fatias de pão. Willoughby-Russo abocanha com gosto metade do sanduíche e Pernalonga (que havia recolhido cautelosamente suas longas pernas), faz uma cena de derreter o coração mais gelado — está tudo escurecendo, adeus mundo cruel! — e morre. Para total desespero do cachorro (Willoughby sempre se desespera quando pensa que matou um coelho indefeso, veja Coelho Difícil de Ser Apanhado). Ele berra eu matei o coelhinho! Eu não mereço viver! Eu quero morrer! Eu quero morrer! Eu quero morrer! e Pernalonga então, outra vez muito solicito, faz o favor de lhe entregar um revólver. O cachorro dá um tiro na cabeça e cai morto. Pernalonga singelamente deposita um copo de leite ao lado do corpo e se manda. Willoughby se levante e diz: isso não devia acontecer com um cão! e ainda tem a última tela do curta fechando em seu pobre focinho...

Hare-Um Scare-Um (1939) - When a hunter learns of higher meat prices, he goes off with his dog to kill Happy Rabbit (early Bugs Bunny) — but runs into constant obstacles.


O Mundo é dos Mais Vivos - Cão e caçador perseguem o Coelho Feliz (versão inicial do Pernalonga). É lógico que o coelho faz gato-e-sapato do pobre do cãozinho... até mesmo se fantasia de cachorrinha!

Hiss and Make-Up (1943) - An old woman has a cat, a dog, and a canary. The cat (Wellington) and dog (Roscoe) fight even worse than normally; fed up, she tells them both off, then threatens to throw them both out if there's any more trouble. The two then spend the rest of the picture framing each other and summoning their master: first, the dog unleashes a whole box of mechanical mice, which the cat manages to sit on (they carry him right into the basement); the cat stamps dirty dog footprints all over the room, but because the dog plays air raid warden ("put out that light!"), their owner doesn't see them. The dog glues canary feathers to the cat, but the canary pops out of hiding; the cat uses shaving cream to make the dog look rabid. Finally, the canary, fed up, frames both of them; they attack its cage just as their owner arrives, and both are thrown out but, as it turns out, the smiling cat has taken the bird with him.

Hobo Gadget Band (1939) - At the hobo hotel, it's morning. One hobo awakens, and carefully avoids the shower, except for a drop on each eye. He stops at the medicine cabinet for some "soda fizz" which jets about, causing havoc. A train goes by, and the swinging rhythm inspires a makeshift clarinet solo. The cook grabs some fish from the fridge, which opens right onto the river. Another train whistle prompts an announcer; the hobos board down a slide. The clarinet player starts up again, and everyone dances. The engineer notices, stops the train, and pulls the "hobo eliminator" lever, which ejects them. Fortunately, they land right in front of a sign looking for amateur musicians at a radio station. They play and sing, to everyone's enjoyment. The station owner offers them luxury but a passing train whistle changes their minds.

Hollywood Canine Canteen (1946) - A group of celebrity dogs, led by an Edward G. Robinson look-alike and including Jimmy Durante, decide that celebrity dogs need a nightclub of their own. What follows is very similar to Hollywood Steps Out (1941), except that all the celebrities are drawn as dogs. Notable gags: Dogwood & Blondie making a sandwich of bones; Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy washing dishes, with Stan putting the washed dishes back into the sink; Bud Abbott and 'Lou Costello' as dogs; a sheepdog with hair in his eyes who suddenly has perfect vision when a pretty girl walks by. In an extended scene, Leopold Bowowsky conducts an orchestra; after a series of spot gags, a tuba player misses his cue because he was getting a cup of water, then blows the wrong note because of a fly on his score. Bing Crosby, who was earlier greeting patrons, loses a girl to Frank Sinatra, who was hiding behind a pencil-thin tree. Kaynine Kyser leads his band; we see quick solos from several jazz players, like "Hairy" James and "Boney" Goodman. Finally, the payoff of a running gag: a soldier who had been waiting to call home to Massachusetts gets to use a megaphone with that state's name on it.

It's an Ill Wind (1939) - Porky and his friend Dizzy Duck go fishing, but their trip is cut short by a thunderstorm. They take refuge in an old building that appears haunted, though the biggest hazards are an old bearskin that lands on a swivel chair, a dog that gets tangled up in chains and a diving helmet, and their own clumsiness generally.

Little Orphan Airedale (1947) - In his never-ending quest for the good life, pushy mongrel Charlie attempts to ingratiate himself with his unwilling "master," Porky Pig (Charlie tells Rags McMutt this story).

Lumber Jack-Rabbit (1954) - Bugs Bunny stumbles on the carrot patch of Paul Bunyon, but doesn't realize that it is guarded by a 124-foot, 4,600-ton dog named Smidgen.


Pernalonga encontra o lendário lenhador gigante Paul Bunyon, seu cão gigante e suas cenouras gigantes.

Mixed Master (1956) - Harry, a mild-mannered man, brings home a shaggy dog he has named Robert. Harry's wife, Alice, disapproves because they already have a dog named Chang, a tiny Pekingese Thoroughbred. Harry tries to prove to Alice that Robert, the dog he brought home, is also some sort or Thoroughbred. But all Robert seems to do is make a nuisance of himself as he goofily practices all the abilities of various breeds.


Harry traz para casa Robert, um vira-lata boa praça. A mulher dele diz que ele só poderá ficar se se der bem com o Pequinês Chang. O pobre Robert vai todo alegre até a sala onde Chang está dormindo no sofá, mas o que recebe é uma rosnada. Ele vai ter que ir embora... Harry, tentando descobrir de que raça é o novo cão, pega um livro sobre o assunto. O telefone toca, e, enquanto ele está ao telefone, Robert folheia o livro e vai encarnando as diversas raças que encontra ali (Boxer, Doberman Pinscher, Setter Irlandês) a fim de impressionar o novo dono: coloca luvas de boxe, pinica o patrão e a patroa (to pinch em inglês significa pinicar), se fantasia de irlandês e dança... quando Harry comenta que acha que Robert é um cão pastor, ele aparece com um bando de ovelhas! De nada adianta, a mulher diz que Robert precisa ir embora. Harry vai viajar a negócios e pede à mulher que não faça nada até ele voltar. Quando finalmente Harry volta para casa, uma surpresa: Robert é na verdade Roberta e aparece com um bando de cachorrinhos — e um deles é a cara de Chang!

No Barking (1954) - A homeless cat (Claude Cat) searching for food is harassed by the playful antics and barking of an energetic pup (Frisky Puppy). Frisky repeatedly sneaks up behind the poor tabby cat (who hates the dog) and scares it into jumping vertically when it barks. After Claude finally silences the pup, he encounters a Bulldog, whose bark has a disastrous effect. Tweety Bird has two lines. Can you guess what they are?


Claude Cat acorda feliz num depósito de carros velhos. Ele dormiu bem em um assento fofo, mas está com fome. E o café da manhã logo aparece — um apetitoso passarinho azul, que é logo abocanhado pelo gato. Mas a alegria de Claude dura pouco: dois amigos do passarinho derrubam uma telha em cima dele, fazendo com que ele imediatamente solte o lanchinho. Enquanto isso, Frisky Puppy está por perto, trotando na rua com um enorme osso na boca. Ele encontra um bom lugar, enterra o osso e, com cara de bravo, dá uns latidos estridentes avisando que ninguém deve se aproximar dali. Isto não assusta o faminto Claude, que tenta roubar o osso de Frisky. Este põe o gato para correr e então se retira triunfante (com o osso). Daí em diante, Claude não tem mais sossego — onde ele está pacificamente tentando encontrar algo para comer, seja nas latas de lixo ou de olho em um passarinho no alto de uma árvore (nada mais nada menos do que Piu-Piu, que, é claro, diz "acho que vi um gatinho!"), Frisky aparece vindo do nada e dá um enorme susto no gato com seu latido estridentemente irritante. Quando Claude finalmente consegue pegar Frisky de jeito, após uma violente briga, ele o amordaça e volta feliz para sua busca de comida — mas não anda nem um quarteirão e já dá de cara com um enorme buldogue! Com o susto, o pobre gato acaba agarrado na fuselagem de um avião que voa alto lá no céu...

Of Fox and Hounds (1940) - Willoughby, a big dumb hound, is repeatedly tricked by George, the fox, into jumping off cliffs, among other things.

Pappy's Puppy - Butch J. Bulldog, a mean bulldog, teaches his young son about the facts of life, including how to attack cats. The pup is at first frightened when he encounters Sylvester, but the youngster (remembering his father's lesson) soon becomes a thorn in the pussycat's side. Sylvester makes several failed attempts to get rid of the pesky puppy (including concealing him under a tin can and throwing a stick into a busy street). In the end, the stork (for once, sober) shows up with another litter of mean bulldogs and Butch demanding that Sylvester care for them.

Porky's Bear Facts (1941) - A variant on the fable of the grasshopper and the ants: Porky is a hardworking farmer, while his neighbor, a bear, sings "working can wait" (as do all his animals). Winter comes, and the only scrap of food in his drafty cabin is a single bean, which a mouse steals. As he stalks his dog past Porky's cabin, he sees the feast on Porky's table and begs to join him.

Porky's Duck Hunt/
Caçada ao Pato (1937) - Porky tries out his new hunting gear and blasts a hole in his apartment roof (and neighbor's backside). At the swamp, neither he nor the other hunters can hit anything. Porky sets out decoys, then can't tell the real duck from them; he wades out there, but his shotgun gets waterlogged. He shoots a barrel of rum, and some fish get drunk, get in a rowboat, and sing "Moonlight Bay". Porky thinks he's shot Daffy (
in his first appearance) and sends his dog Rin Tin Tin out to retrieve him, but Daffy brings the dog back. After some more shenanigans, Porky breaks out his duck call, which gets him (and his dog, after he swallows it) shot at. They go home, dejected, where the ducks taunt him some more and his gun jams again.


Gaguinho, em seu apartamento, vai mostrar sua espingarda ao seu cão Rin Tin Tin, que dorme tranqüilamente em uma gaveta da cômoda. Ele se assusta e Gaguinho diz para ele não ter medo, que não está garregada — a apontando para cima. A arma dispara e faz um enorme buraco no teto! Logo um vizinho bate na porta e dá uma bronca em Gaguinho. Em seguida, ele e o cão saem para caçar. Escondido no mato, Gaguinho atira e parece que acerta um dos patos. Ele manda Rin Tin Tin pegar o pato, mas quem traz o cão quase afogado é Patolino (é a estréia do personagem). A caça continua e Rin Tin Tin acaba engolindo um apito para chamar patos; com soluço ele imite um som de pato, fazendo com que ele e Gaguinho sejam atingidos por uma saraivada de balas dos outos caçadores!

Porky's Hare Hunt (1938) - Porky and his dog Zero goes after a rogue rabbit who manages to frustrate him at each turn. He is unsuccessful and the rabbit comes to visit him just to make recovery tougher for him.

Porky's Moving Day (1936) - Dopey

Porky's Party (1938) - Porky's birthday. His uncle sends him a silkworm that churns out articles of clothing when it hears the word "sew." After a sock and a bra, Porky stuffs it in a pocket to prepare for his party. He uses some hair tonic, then his dog Black Fury has some for himself it's 99% alcohol. The guests arrive: a penguin and a goose. The penguin, shoveling in the food, accidentally swallows the worm, which starts churning out top hats, which pop open inside the penguin's head. The goose tries increasingly violent ways of remedying this. Meanwhile, Porky's dog, lathered with shaving cream, runs in and is branded a mad dog.

Porky's Pooch (1941) - A dog named Rover (early Charlie Dog) explains to a black, down-on-his-luck shaggy dog named Andy how he got his master. He went into a hotel room and bothered someone taking a bath — Porky Pig. Porky doesn't want Rover as a pet, no matter how many times Rover tries to make Porky adopt him.


Rover (posteriormente rebatizado de Charlie) explica ao cão Andy como conseguiu um dono (Gaguinho).

Porky's Romance (1937) - Petunia Pig introduces herself nervously before the credits. Porky woos her, but she's only interested in his candy, not his hand in marriage. Dejected, Porky tries to hang himself. He fails, but he has a dream sequence (or a nightmare) of what marriage to a candy-eating Petunia would be like, with her lying on the couch while he cares for a dozen piglets. He comes to, and rejects Petunia, even kicking her dog Fluffnums.

Porky's Spring Planting (1938) - Porky and his dog, Streamline, plant a large garden in creative ways. The neighbor chickens see the garden as one big buffet/cafeteria.

Porky's Tire Trouble (1939) - Porky works at the Snappy Rubber Company. His dog, Flat Foot Flookey, is determined to follow him into the plant, despite the rules. And Flookey's clumsiness means he's not exactly going to be able to sneak in like when he falls into a vat of rubberizing solution, and molds his face into a number of then-popular movie stars, or makes Porky's boss (a walrus) drop a stack of tires.

Rover's Rival (1937) - Porky reads a book of new dog tricks; unfortunately, his dog, Rover, is old. A puppy comes by and taunts him. Finally, it comes down to stick fetching. The puppy shows up Rover several times. Then Rover enters a construction site and brings back a stick of dynamite instead, and Porky tries to throw it away, but the puppy keeps bringing it back. Meanwhile, Rover has run inside to look up dynamite in the dictionary, and when he finds it, he rushes outside (where the puppy has lit what is now a whole box). He carries the dynamite to a safe distance, where it explodes.

Stage Fright (1940) - The Two Curious Puppies wander into a theater and run afoul of a trickster magician's rabbit, a playful seal and an intimidating little bird.


Snippy e Snoopy entram num teatro abandonado e coisas muito esquisitas acontecem lá... Eles encontram um coelho mágico, uma foca brincalhona e um passarinho muito mau-humorado.

Stooge for a Mouse - A crafty mouse decides to remove his one obstacle to obtaining a block of cheese — Sylvester Cat — by stirring up trouble between Sylvester and Mike the Bulldog, two buddies turned to enemies by the mouse's clever set-ups implicating Sylvester in attacks on Mike.


Um camundongo esperto resolve que para remover o único obstáculo entre ele e um suculento pedaço de queijo — o gato Frajola — deve criar problemas entre Frajola e seu grande amigo, o Buldogue Mike.

Terrier Stricken (1952) - Frisky Puppy's sudden barking and playful antics send Claude Cat on wild rides through their house, down the chimney, in and out of faucets, out the door, and eventually diving into an empty swimming pool.

The Cat's Tale
- Fed up with being chased by the house cat, the mouse stands up to the cat and reasons with him that, just because cats have always chased mice, it doesn't mean they have to continue. When the cat agrees with him, the cat then goes to try the same line of argument with the local bulldog, Spike.


Camundongo convence gato a parar de perseguí-lo — as coisas não precisam ser como sempre foram, é hora de mudar. Então, o gato decide usar o mesmo argumento com o Buldogue Spike.

The Crackpot Quail (1941) - Willoughby chases a quail through the forest; the quail keeps outsmarting the dog (and keeps referring to the dog as "doc"). The dog, none too bright, keeps running into trees, while the quail's topknot keeps falling into his face.

The Curious Puppy (1939) - While pursuing a little dog who's wandered into an amusement park at night, the park's watchdog accidentally switches on the power to all the rides and attractions, bewildering the pair of canines.

The Grey Hounded Hare (1949) - Bugs Bunny ends up at a dog race and decides to take in the show. However, the mechanical rabbit is released (for the dogs to follow), and Bugs falls head over heals in love with the "light brown hare"! Unfortunately, when Bugs sees all of the dogs chasing "that cute little bunny", he valiantly runs onto the track and starts to take down the dogs one by one! Things seem to be in the bag, unless you count a huge grey dog that isn't going to let Bugs stand in his way of winning.

The Goofy Gophers
(1947)  - The two polite Goofy Gophers raid a vegetable patch guarded by a rather smug dog, whose various unsuccessful schemes to nullify the crafty and modest gophers involve a female gopher disguise, a hand grenade, and a carrot stuffed with TNT.

The Heckling Hare (1941) - Bugs is being chased again, this time by a dog named Willoughby. The clumsy mutt is incredibly stupid, literally falling for Bugs' cons again and again. Bugs becomes a bit overconfident in his dealing with the dog, though, and finds himself falling for his own tricks. In the end, cartoon logic wins out over the laws of gravity — or does it?


Coelho Difícil de Ser Apanhado - Willoughby encontra a toca de Pernalonga e começa a caçá-lo; mas quando o coelho engana o cão dando-lhe um tomate para esmagar, Willoughby fica arrasado por ter "sangue" do pobre e indefeso coelhinho nas patas. Ele vai então depositar flores na toca de Pernalonga e eis que este aparece bem vivo e esperto. Os dois recomeçam a perseguição, até que, distraídos, despencam de um precipício. E caem, caem, caem — mas, para surpresa geral, não se esborracham lá em baixo!

The Hep Cat (1942) - A cat-about-town fancies himself such an irresitible "hunk" he momentarily resembles Victor Mature. His wooing of a cute kitten gets derailed by a prankster dog (Willoughby named in this short Rosebud) using a cat hand puppet to trap him.


Um Gato Bem Informado  - Gato preto atrevido passa bem em frente à casinha de Willoughby (batizado de Botão de Rosa neste curta) e o deixa furioso; a perseguição começa e segue pelo bairro todo. Como o gato havia demonstrado interesse por uma linda gata branca (que lhe deu o fora rapidinho), Botão/Willoughby o atrai até a cerca com um fantoche imitando a gata charmosa. O gato cai na armadilha, apanha do cão... No final, apaixonado pelo fantoche, o gato escuta de um passarinho a verdade, mas não se importa e continua se atracando com a gata-fantoche...

The Pest That Came to Dinner (1948) - Porky Pig soon discovers that Pierre the Termite is responsible for his belongings crumbling to dust. When he can't exterminate the termite himself, he goes to a shyster who offers him a series of unsuccessful methods to remove the termite. Sureshot is Porky's dog.


Sureshot, Gaguinho e Pierre, O Cupim.

The Shell Shocked Egg (1948) - A mother turtle, naming her four eggs Tom, Dick, Harry, and Clem, buries the eggs while she obtains a sunlamp to heat her offspring into hatching, and Clem hatches prematurely and only partially while his mother is away. Unable to see in his search for a warm body to fully hatch him from his eggshell, Clem wanders into a barnyard and briefly cozies with a cow, which "golfs" him into a barn, and a male dog. The dog thinks he has laid an egg and envisions fame and fortune. He chases the partly-hatched Clem and comes into conflict with a chicken and rooster, who believe Clem to be their offspring. Finally, Clem's mother and her three other boy turtles, who sing in perfect coordination, find Clem. Clem is fully hatched by his mother, then complains about still being in a shell.


Filhote de tartaruga ainda parcialmente na casca se perde de sua mãe e irmãozinhos e vai parar numa fazenda, no celeiro onde dorme um cachorro. Este acorda e acha que colocou o ovo, e que, portanto, pode ficar famoso e rico. Ao mesmo tempo, a galinha e o galo acham que o ovo que o cão tem é deles e a perseguição começa.

The Stupor Salesman (1948) - Slug McSlug, a notorious bank robber, is chased by police after his latest heist. He reaches his country hideout, where he is promptly visited by an uninvited Daffy Duck, who is a door-to-door vendor of a variety of items. McSlug slams his door in Daffy's face, but Daffy persists in his effort to sell something to McSlug and raises the ire of the wanted criminal. McSlug opens fire on Daffy, who conveniently is wearing a sample of his company's bullet-proof vests. When Daffy turns on the gas of McSlug's stove to demonstrate the igniting power of his sample lighter, McSlug literally throws Daffy out and tries the lighter himself, which blows the hideout and McSlug sky-high.


Com Patolino.

The Up-Standing Sitter/Babá Por um Dia (1948) - Daffy is working as a baby-sitter for the Acme Baby Sitting Agency; while he's sitting on a chicken egg, it hatches. The chick decides Daffy is a stranger and he should have nothing to do with Daffy, but Daffy has to catch the chick. Of course, there are complications, including repeated run-ins with Spike the Bulldog, another chicken whose nest the chick hides in, and a high wire that Daffy can't conquer.


Patolino está trabalhando como babá de um ovo; de repente, o ovo quebra, o pintinho nasce e não quer nem saber da babá. Patolino não pode deixar que o bebê se perca e acaba entrando em conflito com o Buldogue Spike.

Thugs With Dirty Mugs (1939) - Killer and his gang are robbing every bank in town in numerical order, except they skip the 13th National Bank. The police are unable to catch them, despite their predictability (and their endless sight gags). Finally, they get help from an unlikely source: the guy in the front of the theatre who sat through the picture before. They capture Killer, and he gets a long sentence, which he has to write on the blackboard 1,000 times.

To Duck... or Not to Duck/A Luta (1943) - Daffy challenges duckhunter Elmer to a boxing match, rigged in his favor with the collusion of the duck referee. In the stands, Elmer's dog Larrimore suspects that something funny is going on, but he's drowned out by Daffy's all-duck cheering section.


Hortelino Troca-Letras vai caçar com seu cão Larrimore e a vítima é o Patolino; atingido por um tiro, é levado na boca por Larrimore até Hortelino. Patolino se revolta, fazendo um discurso de como a luta entre o caçador e a caça é injusta, ele usando arma e tudo, e sugere uma disputa justa entre os dois. Em seguida, eles estão em um ringue, para uma luta de boxe; o juíz é um pato e o público é uma pataiada só, com exceção de Larrimore (que toda vez que se manifesta a favor do dono, é atingido com uma porção de objetos). É claro que o pobre Hortelino apanha e Patolino é consagrado vencedor numa decisão completamente parcial — mas no final, Hortelino consegue se vingar dando uns sopapos no juíz e em Patolino...

To Itch His Own - Mighty Angelo is billed as "The World's Strongest Flea" by the urban circus at which he performs. Angelo decides to take a vacation on some quiet, country dog and hops into the fur of a shaggy pooch sleeping on a suburban estate. When a belligerent bulldog disturbs the pooch's — and Angelo's — sleep, Angelo decides to fight the bulldog. The bulldog is befuddled by the unseen powerhouse that drops bricks on his head, pulls him through a knothole in a fence, and whacks him on his head and backside with a mallet.


Poderoso Angelo, A Pulga Mais Forte do Mundo vai de férias para o campo, onde se instala em um cão tranqüilo. Mas o sossego dele (e, portanto, da pulga) é logo perturbado por um buldogue. Angelo resolve por o cãozarrão para correr e o buldogue, não vendo a pulga, não entende quem está lhe dando a maior surra!

Tree for Two
(1952) - A rough and tough Bulldog named Spike sets out with his admirer, a small dog named Chester, to rough up a cat. They encounter Sylvester and chase him into a junkyard, where a black panther that escaped from a zoo just happens to be hiding out. Every time Spike goes into the junkyard to thrash Sylvester, he is clawed into pieces by the panther, which he, in a dark maze of crates, thinks is Sylvester. Chester has no problem pummelling Sylvester before Spike's eyes, which convinces Spike that Chester must be tougher than him.


Chester, o pequeno Terrier, tem uma GRANDE (e extremamente irritante) admiração por seu amigo, o Buldogue Spike (Alfie em Dr. Jerkyl's Hyde). Quando eles encontram o Frajola trotanto pela rua, Chester quer que Spike o pegue. Frajola consegue escapar para dentro de um terreno cercado, cheio de tranqueiras; o negócio é que lá está também uma pantera negra que fugiu do zoológico. Frajola, escondido numa lata de lixo, fica confuso quando Spike tenta agarrar um rabicho preto, que não é o dele... E é lógico que o pobre Spike leva uma surra da pantera! Spike vai para a rua, seu suéter e seu chapéuzinho em frangalhos e Chester vai conferir o gatinho valente. Ele vê só o Frajola... Spike retorna e a pantera corta o cão em fatias. Desta vez até mesmo Frajola pensa que foi ele quem fez a façanha e vai enfrentar Chester — que lhe dá uma surra, para total admiração de Spike. Os dois cães vão embora e agora é o buldogue que tem um coportamento irritante, pulando atrás do pequeno e orgulhoso Chester e o chamando de meu herói...

Two Gophers From Texas (1948) - A book on how to have gophers for dinner guides an housedog into many gags, but it seems the Gophers are smarter than  the book's author (or reader).

Two's a Crowd (1950) - A man named John has a present for his wife. It's Frisky Puppy (making his first appearance in a Warner Bros. cartoon). But it's bad news for their other pet, the high-strung Claude Cat, who is driven to distraction (and the ceiling) by the puppy's constant yapping. Claude tries to kill Frisky and practically demolishes the house.



  1. Walky Talky Hawky (1946)
  2. The Foghorn Leghorn (1948) - Henry Hawk wants nothing more than to capture a chicken and prove that he's "not so little". However, Henry's dad has told him that chickens are actually terrifying monsters so Henry won't try and tag along... yeah, like that would work. Henry follows his dad to a farm, only to see his old man get beat up by Foghorn Leghorn! Trying to cover his reputation, Daddy Hawk says that he wasn't beaten by a chicken: "That's just a loud-mouthed shnook!" When Foghorn confronts Henry, he becomes determined to convinced the chicken hawk that he is a chicken and not a shnook. But all Henry wants to do is go after Barnyard Dawg, whom he believes is the chicken!
  3. Crowing Pains (1947) - Foghorn convinces Henery that Sylvester is a chicken. Foghorn sticks Henery in an egg and sticks it under Sylvester.
  4. Henhouse Henery (1949) - Little Henery the Chicken Hawk goes hunting chickens with a hammer and clunks Foghorn Leghorn on the noggin. Foghorn sends Henery after the Barnyard Dawg by misleading him into thinking the dog is a chicken. The dog sets Henery straight and helps him build a tree trap to catch Foggy for supper.
  5. The Leghorn Blows at Midnight (1950) - Henery the little Chicken Hawk intrudes upon the barnyard antics of Foghorn Leghorn. Foghorn fools Henery into thinking he has painted him invisible and sends the naive little Hawk after "Pheasant Under Glass", which, he tells Henery, is Barnyard Dawg.
  6. Leghorn Swoggled (1951) - Little Henery the Chicken Hawk wants to trap Foghorn Leghorn for his dinner, and Barnyard Dawg says he will help Henery to catch Foghorn on one condition — that Henery find him a bone. Henery's effort to find the dog a bone involves obtaining cheese for a mouse and a fish for a cat, with Foghorn's help! Once the dog is given his bone, he uses it to knock Foghorn out so that Foghorn can be carried away by Henery on a toy train. *** A Ingenuidade de Frangolino - Cachorro diz a Little Henery que se ele lhe arranjar um osso, vai ensiná-lo a pegar uma galinha (Frangolino, é claro!). O gato diz ao falcãozinho que lhe dirá como conseguir um osso se ele lhe arranjar um peixe. Um ratinho diz ao falcãozinho que lhe dirá como conseguir um peixe se ele pegar o pedaço de queijo que está numa ratoeira no celeiro. E assim vai o falcãozinho cumprir suas tarefas, tendo a ajuda de ninguém menos do que Frangolino, que, ingênuo, não sabe que ele próprio é o objetivo final do pequeno caçador de galinhas!
  7. Lovehorn Leghorn (1951)
  8. The EGGcited Rooster/Frangolino Chocando Ovo (1952) - Foghorn has egg-sitting duty while his wife plays cards. Henery Hawk, dressed as an Indian ("Me last of mo-hawk-ens!") comes by as Foggy is looking for someone to relieve him. Foggy gets Henery to egg-sit for a little while, but the little hawk gets impatient. Foghorn sends him off with a "hen grenade" which explodes under Barnyard Dawg (leaving him covered with a fried egg). The dog helps the hawk steal the egg, and calls Foghorn's wife. The egg then changes hands several times; Foghorn's wife comes along and beans him with her rolling pin. As the final insult, Henery scalps Foghorn with his tiny tomahawk.
  9. Sock a Doodle Do (1952) - A prize-fighting banty rooster, so slap-happy that he goes into a punching spree whenever he hears a bell, falls out of a truck and onto the farm where Foghorn Leghorn is in the midst of his usual sparring match with Barnyard Dawg. Foghorn and the dog use the fighter-rooster's manic punching against each other by ringing a bell once the rooster is within striking distance of their intended victim.
  10. Of Rice and Hen (1953) - Miss Prissy, the slow-witted hen, sets out to land a husband — Foghorn Leghorn, and Barnyard Dawg is willing to help her by dressing as a rooster to "rival" Foghorn's non-existent affections and make him jealous so that he'll marry Prissy without thinking. Foghorn falls for the scheme — hook, line, and sinker.
  11. Plop Goes the Weasel (1953) - Weasel wants to eat the chicks, and Foghorn Leghorn — to Barnyard Dawg's distress — keeps helping his offspring to escape from the pen... ***  O cachorro  leva a sério sua tarefa de cuidar do galinheiro — mas Frangolino não o deixa em paz. Um bando de pintinhos insiste em fugir por buracos na cerca (ajudados por Frangolino, que — note-se — provavelmente é o próprio pai deles...), para desespero do cão. As coisas pioram quando uma fuinha gulosa aparece na fazenda e quer lanchar os pintinhos.
  12. All Fowled Up (1955) - Intending to catch a chicken for his dinner, little Henery the Chicken Hawk ventures onto the farm of the eternally feuding Foghorn Leghorn and Barnyard Dawg. Foghorn tries to dump a load of concrete on top of the dog, but the chute for dropping the concrete suddenly extends itself to a position directly above Foghorn, who is covered over by the concrete and frozen in a "Thinker" pose. Little Henery attaches a rope to the cement-laden Foghorn and drags him home for a tough-to-chew chicken dinner.
  13. The High and the Flighty (1956) - Salesman Daffy Duck comes upon a farm, the site of Foghorn Leghorn's ongoing feud with Barnyard Dawg, and proceeds to sell Foghorn and the dog contraptions to continue their violent, mutual heckling.
  14. Fox-Terror (1957) - Foghorn's going fishing, but a fox has other plans for him. Posing as a racetrack tout, he suggests Foggy get a hunting dog and go hunting. Once the dog is gone, the fox comes after the chickens. One of them pulls the fox alarm, and Barnyard Dawg comes running back (too late). The fox next poses as a quiz show host, tricking Foghorn and the dog into blowing each other up. They go through another cycle or two of abuse before identifying their common enemy. They team up and go after him.
  15. Weasel While You Work (1958) - Amid a snowy barnyard, Foghorn Leghorn deflects the carniverous attentions of a lip-smacking weasel onto the Barnyard Dawg by convincing the none-too-bright weasel that the dog is a deer and a seal!
  16. Feather Bluster (1958)
  17. Mother Was a Rooster (1962) - Foghorn Leghorn, Barnyard Dawg, and an ostrich *** Frangolino choca um ovo de avestruz; quando a avezona nasce, ele se torna uma mamãe muito carinhosa! O cachorro, no entanto, fica dizendo: que coisinha FEIA!, para horror da mamãe Frangolino e do próprio avestruzinho que enfia a cabeça na terra...
  18. Banty Raids (1963) - To gain access to the barnyard and thus, the female hens a beatnik rooster disguises himself as a baby. Foghorn takes the bait and makes an ill-fated attempt to show the beatnik "how to be a real rooster" and keep Barnyard Dawg at bay. The beatnik rooster sneaks away to dance with the hens and kiss them. Eventually, Barnyard Dawg (while spying on the two roosters) learns the beatnik rooster is crazy for female chickens. Using this knowledge to his advantage, the dog traps Foghorn in a device that dresses him in drag. The beatnik rooster goes wild and demands an impromptu marriage ceremony (to which Barnyard Dawg obliges). Foghorn's attempts to protest are futile (Beatnik rooster: "Like, we can't all be perfect!").


  1. One Meat Brawl (1947) - It is Groundhog Day so, naturally, Porky Pig goes hunting groundhogs and takes his dopey dog, Mandrake (Barnyard Dawg). They soon encounter Grover Groundhog, who is none too thrilled to be the objective of a hunter on his big day. Mandarke is good at what he does but Mandrake is also a sucker for a sob story and Grover outwits him at every turn.
  2. Daffy Duck Hunt (1949) - Porky Pig goes to a marsh on a hunting expedition, accompanied by his dog (Barnyard Dawg from the Foghorn Leghorn series), and they bring home a live Daffy Duck. They put Daffy into a freezer to keep him fresh until cooking time, but Daffy keeps jumping out of the freezer to heckle Porky and the dog.


  1. Don't Axe Me (1958) - Farmer Elmer Fudd agrees to provide a duck to his wife for dinner. Daffy Duck has been a moocher on Elmer's farm and has therefore not endeared himself to Fudd or to Fudd's dog (Barnyard Dawg). So, axe in hand, Elmer, with the dog's help, chases Daffy, intending to slaughter the pesty, black duck.


  1. Gopher Broke (1958) - Barnyard Dawg is the guard at a farm where vegetables are harvested. The two polite Goofy Gophers, who have made the vegetable patch their home, do not want their vegetables taken and set out to thwart the dog and repossess their food supply.


  1. Little Orphan Airedale (1947) - In his never-ending quest for the good life, pushy mongrel Charlie attempts to ingratiate himself with his unwilling "master," Porky Pig. Charlie Dog, looking for a good home and some easy living, thinks he's found the perfect sap in Porky Pig. He tries to ingratiate himself with the pig, all the way avoiding Porky's attempts to get rid of the dead-beat dog.
  2. Often an Orphan (1949) - Abandoned in the country by his old master, Charlie Dog tries to force himself upon farmer Porky Pig, playing upon his sympathies with a histrionic rendition of the horrors of big-city life.  *** Charlie, o cachorro que está eternamente à procura de um dono, desta vez começa o desenho com um dono. Só que este o leva para um piquenique no campo e o abandona lá... Desolado, ele fica à beira da estrada pedindo carona e desta vez a "vítima" é o Gaguinho. No final, um Gaguinho estressado acaba levando Charlie para um "piquenique" também; só que o cachorro já aprendeu sua lição e quem fica à beira da estrada desta vez é o próprio Gaguinho!
  3. Awful Orphan (1949) - Once again, the pushy pooch Charlie Dog tries to get an unwilling Porky Pig to be his master, first by sneaking into the house in a bird cage. Later, Charlie's antics get Porky punched out by the upstairs neighbor.
  4. Dog Gone South (1950) - Ever in search of a master, no matter how unwilling, Charlie winds up on a plantation down South and tries to force himself on the owner, a Confederate Colonel. Unfortunately, the Colonel already has a pet bulldog, "Belvedere."
  5. A Hound for Trouble (1951) - Kicked off the boat in Italy, Charlie forces himself upon a pizzeria owner. Donning his best Italian accent and garb, Charlie sets to work as a waiter, astonishing and horrifying the customers with his barefoot grape-stomping and musical rendition of "Atsa Matta for You?"
  6. Dog Tales (1958) - This documentary-styled cartoon identifies the various breeds of canine, showing the very human behaviors of a French Poodle, a Doberman Pinscher, a "Elvis" hound-dog, a martini-drinking St. Bernard, a Mexican Hairless Dog, a Chihuahua, a Basset Hound, Victor Barky, Coach Dog and Laddie.

ROVER (Porky Pig's dog/cachorro do Gaguinho)

BRUNO (Bosko's dog/cachorro do Bosko)

  1. Bosko's Fox Hunt (1931)
  2. Bosko and Bruno (1932)
  3. Bosko and Honey (1932)
  4. Bosko at the Beach (1932)
  5. Bosko the Musketeer (1933)
  6. Bosko's Dizzy Date (1933)
  7. Bosko's Dog Race (1932)
  8. Big Hearted Bosko (1932)
  9. Bosko's Knight-mare (1933)
  10. Bosko's Mechanical Man (1933)
  11. Bosko's Woodland Daze (1933)
  12. Big Hearted Bosko (1932)
  13. Bosko in Dutch (1933)
  14. Bosko the Sheep-Herder (1933)
  15. Bosko's Picture Show (1933)


  1. Haredevil Hare (1948)
  2. Hasty Hare (1952)


  1. Cat Feud (1958)
  2. Feed the Kitty (1952)
  3. Feline Frame Up (1954)
  4. Kiss me Cat (1953)

  1. Don't Give Up the Sheep (1953) - In this matchup of wolf and Sam, the sheepdog, is identified as Ralph, and the wolf isn't named and doesn't punch the clock. The sheepdog is also not as good at anticipating the wolf's moves. But the wolf is, ultimately, no more successful; his Acme wildcat turns on him; his Tarzan-like vine swinging gets him only the sheepdog, no sheep, and the subsequent war of cutting down tree limbs, the tree, and ultimately the cliff where the tree grows, is done in by cartoon physics. Ultimately, he tries posing as Fred, the night shift dog, with no success.
  2. Sheep Ahoy (1954) - The character names haven't stabilized yet. The dogs here are Ralph (day shift) and Fred (night shift) or maybe vice versa (the names are reversed at the beginning and end); the wolves are George (day) and Sam (night).
  3. Double or Mutton (1955)
  4. Steal Wool (1957)
  5. Ready Woolen and Able (1960)
  6. A Sheep in the Deep (1962)
  7. Woolen Under Where (1963)


  1. I haven't got a Hat (1935)
  2. The Fire Alarm (1936)
  3. The Phantom Ship (1936)
  4. Westward Whoa (1936)


  1. Goopy Geer (1932)
  2. Moonlight for Two (1932)
  3. The Queen Was in the Parlor (1932)
  4. Bosko in Dutch (1933)